These are our terms of use. They provide you with the rules for using our service and how our content can be used. We have tried our level best to make it easily comprehensible. So, read them carefully and stay connected for the updates as the latest versions apply.
Basically, when you use our service you agree to all the terms of use mentioned here.
The content of our application includes text, audio, video, images, software, technical stuff such as metadata and open source code and user generated content.
First and the foremost, don’t mess with our application like trying to hack, to interrupt the working of our security technology, refusal to remove the content, games or app when asked.
Secondly, don’t try to harm our reputation for example being sexist, racist or making caste remark. Don’t defame any person through us. Harassment and offending someone are prohibited and obscene content is not allowed to be used. You are advised to counter the arguments not the person.
Thirdly, use your device safely and make sure that you are sitting comfortably and stop at once if you feel stress on eyes, nausea or any other discomfort.
Fourthly, don’t present yourself as the part of our team, if you are not. Its use comprises of our application interface, our brands, trademarks or logos without the permission of concerned authority. Incorporating our content or service in money making business or sharing our content except those which can be shared is not allowed. The content which can be shared will be provided with share option.
Fifth, you need permission as the copyright of our content is ours. If you are using the people’s content you need to ask them. One noteworthy thing, when a creation is uploaded by our team member it is not a compulsion that you will be identified as the creator and we will be free to make any changes.
In the case of copyright if the creation is fresh and you have not featured it anywhere you own the copyright. But if it is made by anyone else, you want to submit it to us you need the permission of creator.
Don’t send us the content which is violative of copyrights, is illegal or defamatory, offensive, contains personal details, spam, harmful for children, infringes right of a person including privacy rights, a promotion of business, identifies a juvenile, a contempt of court, content which harm the functioning of our application like viruses, worms, or trojans.
We are trying our best to keep you safe. But in case a mishappening occurs we are liable [partially] for, if our content damages your device, you can ask for compensation. However, compensation is not assured, you may be asked for legal advice. However, we are not responsible for any external content, opinion or commentaries, or if there are virus or unpredictable things.
Lastly, this is a contract between you and us. No one else is allowed to impose. It is according to Indian law; Hence, Indian Courts can make judgements. All the disputes arising out of it shall be adjudicated in the jurisdiction of Panjab and Haryana High Court.
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